Electric Water Heaters

>> Monday, August 25, 2014

Water heaters are the devices which are used for heating the water for its various uses. The water heating process is a thermodynamic procedure, where the water is heated above the initial temperature. Normally for the domestic use, water is heated using vessels. For domestic use the heated water are used for cooking purpose, for bathing and many other purposes. But for industry use the water is heated through other techniques and the steam that is produced is also used for a number of processes.

The devices that are used for supplying constant hot water are termed as water heaters. Electric water heaters are the water heaters that use electricity for heating the water. Geysers, boilers, water heaters are some example of the devices which fall into the category of electric water heaters. For domestic use the electric water heaters are of relatively small size.

They work in a different manner as the operating mechanism is for heating a small amount of water. But in the industries the mechanism for the electric water heaters are totally different from that used for domestic use. In many countries in which there is a problem regarding constant supply of electricity, they use other fossil fuels such as petrol, gas and many more for heating water.

There are many techniques that are implemented for the electric water heaters. There are some electric water heaters which are used for instantaneous water heating purpose. This instantaneous water heating process is very dangerous and is accompanied by a number of internal mechanisms for heating the water. Gravity systems water heaters are also there, but due to the traditional method, it is not entertained so much. Some electric water heaters also serve for storage purpose.

These tanks which use to store water are known as hot water tanks as they use to store hot waters. The tanks are capable of withstanding high pressure. For domestic use the electric water heaters come in cylindrical shape which uses to heat the water to boiling temperature or desired temperature. Now a day with the increase in consumption of electricity, the electric water heaters have also replaced the traditional water heating techniques.

 The electric water heaters use to come in hanging position and as in hanging position there will be less space consumption. Most of the times the hanging electric water heaters are hang to the wall of the bathroom. If the container containing the heated water bursts in the bathroom bursts somehow, then it may lead to a big accident in which a person may lose life. So there are certain precautions that must be taken before using the electric water heaters.

All the instructions must be followed properly before using the electric water heaters. There are a number of companies providing good varieties of electric water heaters depending on their capacity. So it is always better to have some knowledge before buying any of the electric water heaters.
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Sources Of Water Heaters

Water heaters are designed to provide heat. On domestic and commercial level its main function is to provide hot water. During winter, it is very much cold outside and therefore the natural water coming in our house for household consumption is cold. Therefore we install these heaters near the water tubs and the sinks to get warm water. There are a large number of sources that make these heaters work. The most commonly used source is gas.

The gas is used in gas burners which are placed at the bottom of the apparatus and it heats the incoming cold water from one side and the heated water is then transported upwards. The use of gas is the cheap and an efficient source for gas burners. The heaters which use this source are generally storage water heaters and tank less water heaters. In case of tank water heater the cold water is given to the heater, it stores it and then heat it when used whereas in tankless water heaters.

 There is such an arrangement that there is no tank for storage but as the hot water goes out from heater. The underground cold water automatically gets filled in it and you can use as much water as you want without the wear that the tank would get empty anytime. In areas where there is lack of gas, gasoline is used, the gasoline works the same manner as that of gas but it’s a bit expensive.

Oil is also a source which is used in these heaters. The oil lubricates all the parts which are the components of the water heater in such a manner that the efficiency of heater is increased. Special type of insulation is provided to the heaters which utilize oil in order to prevent ignition and also to reduce the heat loss during exchange. Another source to be used is solar energy.

These are the heaters in which the water is heated by solar light and then this hot water is transported through pipes to the commercial as well as residential areas. In these heaters different types of insulation sheets are used and these sheets utilize the energy provided by the solar energy and store it also.

 There are certain heaters that utilize electricity as their source. In such type of heaters the electric coils are inserted inside the heaters and these coils get the electric supply externally and heat the water inside the heaters. These heaters have maximum efficiency but the use of electricity makes them expensive. All such sources are utilized differently but the basic aim of all these sources is to provide heat.

All the sources mentioned above uses the same basic principle that is ignition. All produce heat as a result of which they boil water and we utilize them later. Solar heaters reduce our cost to the minimum and the installation of these heaters instead of geysers is a great decision. I would sincerely advise you to use them.
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Benefits Of Electric Water Heater In Our Lives

Having an electric water heater in your house is essential enough today to perform ample of tasks such as bathing, cooking, making tea/coffee and many more. As its demand has increased at wider level at the present times many of the manufacturers have established themselves in the market and keep on introducing different sizes, quality and price ranges of electric water heater.

Different electric models introduced by these manufacturers have given you a wider selection of brands to choose from. Today, you have a great choice of buying a tank or tankless electric water heating appliance. The tank models can be bought in a wide variety of sizes ranging from as small as six gallons for a mobile home or RV to 100 gallons for the big homes.

Most commonly a standard sized home will have a 40 to 80 gallon tank installed, depending on the amount of bathrooms and appliances that require hot water. As far as tankless electric water heater is concerned, it does not store any hot water and moreover they are smaller in size yet perform water heating task more quickly and comfortably.

 The electric water heater uses heating elements submerges in the water tank. If you want to install sink water heater under your kitchen sink then make sure to consider some vital points like how often and in what quantity do you need the water? You have to consider this point because if you want water on a very regular basis, you will need a very big heater. Or, if you want to avoid storage heaters, make sure to go in for tankless heaters that will truly give you hot water the moment you switch the heater on.

One of the advantages of having electric water heater fitted under the sink is that you get hot water outlet to your dishwasher as well. The DAFI Instantaneous electric water heater is a compact, energy-saving and convenient solution to providing instant hot water to the users. Its compact shape nd small size truly allows you under sink mounting. Its use allows you to get hot water immediately you turn on the hand wheel. DAFI flow water heater is ideal for proper use in households, public buildings, workplaces, hotels, malls, and stations etc.

There are ample of benefits of usingDAFI water heater including 100 percent water heater, save time, conserve water, energy saving, saving space and more. You can purchase your desirable water heaters online visiting out any reputed online auction and selling websites. The benefits you obtain visiting online stores include certain discount and other offers to relief your pocket. You can purchase your desirable water heaters online visiting out any reputed online auction and selling websites. The benefits you obtain visiting online stores include certain discount and other offers to relief your pocket.
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Tankless Electric Water Heater - A Low-Cost Money Saver

>> Thursday, August 12, 2010

If you keep up with the latest discussions concerning energy conservation, then you no doubt know that there's a lot you can do in your home to not only help the environment, but to cut down on energy cost as well. One of the most popular new ways to be a part of the green movement is to invest in a tankless water heater. This device is exactly as it sounds. It heats the water in your house, but it does so without a tank. In this article, you will learn about one kind of tankless heater, the tankless electric water heater.

The tankless electric water heater uses an electrical element to heat the water that comes flowing from a tap. This kind of model can cut back drastically on energy costs. Another great feature of the electric tankless model is that it is made to be small so that it can be fit anywhere.

It is also not very costly. The installation cost for an electric model is significantly less than that of other tankless models, such as gas-fired, and does not require the large amount of space required by other kinds of water heaters. Besides, the electric type tankless heaters require very little maintenance or no maintenance at all.

Another great feature of the tankless electric heater is that it will heat your water instantly. If you need more water, however, then you should consider a gas tankless heater. There's a reason for that. The electric heater is smaller and, in some respects, more efficient.

For this reason it does not heat as much water as a gas heater can at one time. You could not, for example, wash clothes and take a shower at the same time with an electric model. If you live alone, or you have already cut back on the amount of hot water used in your household, then you should certainly look into the electric type.

A good way to decide if a tankless electric water heater is the right choice for your house is to look at the different models of electric heater. You will find that there are different varieties at different costs. You will also find that installation cost varies too. Perhaps you can decide how much hot water you will need to use, and then you can look at the descriptions and capabilities of the different models and decide which kind of tankless water heater will be right for your home.
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About This Blog

Electric water heaters are the water heaters that use electricity for heating the water. Geysers, boilers, water heaters are some example of the devices which fall into the category of electric water heaters. There are a number of companies providing good varieties of electric water heaters depending on their capacity. So it is always better to have some knowledge before buying any of the electric water heaters. Here you will find information about buying right electric water heater

Heating repair , Heating and cooling system , Electric fireplace , Bathroom heaters , Small electric heaters 2012

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